i'm often astounded and always pleased at how i manage to become a fan of someone's art and then find out that they are a pretty cool person as well. as a kid, i ADORED the hudson brothers....i think i had a crush on all three of them at one point or another. now, as an adult, i am a HUGE fan of "the rainbow": mark. he's a genius, i think, and his solo cd, THE ARTIST, is brilliant! honestly......any fan of the beatles should check it out, as he is channeling lennon BIG time! anyway.........he was in chicago over the weekend playing a show with mark farner, dickey betts and some 'rock and roll fantasy camp' alums, and had posted about it on his facebook page. a nice man in chicago had left a comment about having had tickets for the show, but how he had to sell them to pay his monthly rent. ( i know how heartbreaking this can be. i realized not long ago that i have missed seeing every one of my faves this year due to lack of funds! ) anyhow.....dear mark responded to the post ,and put the gentlman and his wife on the guest list for the show! the gesture brought tears to my eyes....it really did....and once again i was so happy to realize that i was a huge fan of someone not only mind-blowingly talented, but kind hearted as well. i guess there ARE some decent people left in this world. i sure can pick 'em, eh?????
seriously: i urge EVERYONE one to head over to http://www.markhudsonmusic.com/ and get a copy of the cd. you won't be sorry...i promise!!! you'll be thanking me later! :)
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