pondering why we as humans are always so willing to believe in others. in my lifetime (which, altho i FEEL really fracking old is REALLY a reasonably short period of time...) i have learned that very few people are truly by your side and 'there for you'.....despite what they may say. we are all full of platitudes and pledges of love and friendship. people claim quickly to be your friend, but how many of us really *show* it? seems to me that the 'proof is in the pudding' and it saddens me to say that i have very, VERY rarely had "friends" who showed the friendship by thier actions when the chips were down and the love was needed the most!
in case anyone reading this gets the wrong idea......i'm not talking about you!!! (smile) the people that were the reason for the blog are some of those who i met thru "GB world" and claimed to be such "good" friends. now that i'm not heavily involved in that community....they can't be bothered to even say 'thank you' when i do them a favor....much less drop me a line every once in awhile just to say "hi." i'm not surprised, as i've learned to expect this from folks, but still.....as i said at the beginning of the blog, we always WANT to believe that people actually mean what they say. i guess if we didn't have that hope in our hearts.....it would be hard to go on from day to day.
anyhow, as for me personally....i'm going to TRY to be more of a friend to those i consider to be my pals. if i fall short.......do me a favor and please TELL ME! i want to walk the talk.........