was out on my porch this evening and saw a firefly. (or lightening bug, as we call them downsouth) i was struck by his beauty.....i haven't seen one in ages and ages. he took me back to my childhood: back to when we saw swarms of them each night, and all of the neighborhood kids would be running around in our bare feet on the soft summer grass, trying to see who could catch the most of those little bugs with their glowing tails. altho i'm not aging gracefully in my head, there are very few moments that *really* make me miss my childhood, but seeing that little fellow tonite certainly did!!
Firefly, Firefly
Shine your light tonight
Assist the Moon and Stars
In helping us
To ease our troubled minds
1 comment:
i used to catch those when i was a kid :). together with my cousins ans some friends we'd have a true firefly hunt! of course we let them go afterwards, didn't hurt them :)
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