i'm not much of a tv watcher, and until last year i had mangaged not to watch the first minute of anything considered "reality tv" (unless you consider 'american idol' reality tv) and i haven't watched that in several years.
imagine my surprise to find myself a part of a reality tv show in my dreams last nite. it was entertaining, fun, enjoyable, and a dream i would certainly love to re-visit....in fact.....would like for it to continue to see if i win!!! heeeheeee.. i'll keep the details of "my" show to myself, but just had to "set it in stone" here for grins and giggles. my subconcious imagination takes me to some bizarre places sometimes.........and this had to be one of the "bizarrest!"
i originally said: sounds like a true out of body experience!...but it included the captcha...what the?!
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