i've most likely mentioned "my kids" here before.....my church kids. altho its not all of them by any means, a good many of them are from low income families. in fact, our church has a food ministry, and a few of the kids belong to some of the families that receive food each week. i also work with teens, and we all know how self absorbed they can be. lol!! this week on the news i had seen how our local st vincent de paul society was really hurting because of the recession. in november of 2007, they fed 70 families. in november of 2008 they fed 875!!! one of the spokeswomen was on the news talking about the desperate crisis they were in, and saying that if all you could afford to give was one can of soup, that it would be appreciated! anyhow....this morning i was telling the kids about this. as i mentioned, none of their families have much, but it's still important, i think, that they realize how bad the economic situation is and that there are so many people worse off than they are. as soon as i got thru telling them what i had seen on the news, these precious angels start digging in thier pockets....handing me nickles, dimes, quarters, and one penny so that i could go buy some soup to give to the food panty!! i have to state that i didn't ASK them to do this......they just came up with the idea. the generosity was their own!! i don't think i've had anything touch me so deeply in a long, long, long time!! if EACH of us would dig deep like these kids did, and show some love and concern for others, we could wipe out hunger on the face of the planet!!! GOD bless 'em! i love those kids!!
later in the morning i was telling another dear friend of mine about what "my kids" had done, and she gave me $100 (!!!!!!!!) to add to the fund to buy food for those less fortuate than we are. i'm not mentioning her name, because i'm not sure she wants the whole world to know of her generosity......don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing and all that jazz. but again, i was touched, moved to tears and wishing, wishing, wishing that we all were filled with that sort of love! oh....did i mention she's a minister. 'nuff said. (love you girl........)
do unto others as you would have others do unto you...............
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