i used to dance when i was younger....took lessons and the whole nine. in fact, my mom told me that i was dancing before i was talking. ;-) (watching 'american bandstand' and doing the twist at age 2!) in my teens....i decided that boys and bands were much more important than dance, so i stopped taking lessons. (my one regret in life!) i did keep dancing, tho, for a long, long time and was extremely flexible and limber. (used to win dance contests at clubs. i was GOOD!) well....as we all know life and age get in the way sometimes, and a couple of years ago i realized that while in years past i could bend from the waist and put my hands flat on the floor effortlessly...........i had gotten to the point that i could barely touch my toes!! i decided to make it a point to stretch more, and i did do that, but not as much as i should. then, last year when i started watching DANCING WITH THE STARS....i really got motivated. i *used* to be in that kind of shape.........dancing shape..........and i decided to start doing a mixture of yoga and dance exercises to get more limber and flexible. well.....i'm not exactly sure of the date that i started, but i know it was sometime in february or march of 2008. i have been doing my stretches/yoga every day but sunday (it's the day of rest, after all. haha!) for a little over a year! who would have ever thought i would have stuck with it this long??? and? i can put my hands flat on the floor, bending from the waist and NOT bending the knees.....and stand that way for an hour if i needed to!! so yeah.......i'm proud of myself. i think i deserve a party!!!!! ;-)