Sunday, December 30, 2007

everybody rides on the karma train

(thanks to mr richie sambora for the blog title! love you, rich!)

i've been wanting to blog for a few days now, but just haven't found the words to say. oh...i *know* what i *want* to say, but i don't want to name names or give specific details, so it makes it harder to put my point across. and, after all, i *am* trying to keep my karma clean, so i have to be cryptic i suppose. i have come to the conclusion that some people are put in your life to test your strength of character........and mine must REALLY need testing because in the last few years quite a few folks have been put in my path that test me almost daily! i have always been a rather easy going person....and easy to get along with as well. the last few years have brought people into my realm of existence that i have a hard time being nice to (which is not like me at all!!!)....altho i always manage (i think!) to do so. there is one in particular that i have tried....i mean really befriend. recently i emailed this person several times, a couple of those times to inquire about thier health (which hadn't been so good) and every time was ignored. for some reason this person and i just clash. i've always attributed it to a bit of the fact that maybe this person always needs to be "better" at things than i was, and therefore the animosity might be a bit of jealousy?? many times i've thought that the nastiness i feel from this person was all in my imagination, but i have had a couple of other people notice it as well, so i'm guessing it's not just me that feels like i'm being treated unfairly. anyway......the natural human reaction would be to tell said person off....and there have been sooooo many times that i've been tempted. but, i always manage to rise above (thank you, LORD!) and, as i said earlier.....i'm keeping my karma clean!! (side note...i had two people this week tell me that i must have the cleanest karma of anyone they knew! thanks y'all!!! it's been a trying time. i needed your encouragement!) now that i've added those wonderful comments from my friends as a side note, i realize that it's not really a side note at all, but the POINT of this blog. as richie says so well in "ballad of youth": we all ride on the karma train. i am trying very hard to "do unto others" and the support and love i get from my friends is often what helps me thru!! you are all angels and the hand of GOD in my life every day! and to the person that continually manages to "get under my skin".........YOU might take heed. "instant karma's gonna get you!" we are not amused. of my angel friends made this comment to me today referring to said person:
"...ah are what god made to make us appreciate our lovely friends!!"
well said!! that made me laugh, and realize how right she was!!! it's the things that annoy the piss outta us that make us appreciate all the beautiful things we have in our life.....and the beautiful people.

those of you who are my TRUE friends.............i love you!!! i wish i could show you more than i do.......but know that you are in my heart AND in my prayers!

listening to: stonehenge

reading: charles dickens, david copperfield

1 comment:

Capricorn Tales said...

Well put ...I know someone just like the person you are talking about. =) hee hee!